The capacitance between individual strands in Litz wire limits it's
usefulness above 1 MHz or so. W8JI has an interesting discussion of
skin effect at:

Bob NW8L

On Jan 6, 2008 3:54 PM, David Cutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used several strands of enamelled copper wire twisted together.  I
> usually twist 3 sets of 3 of quite thin wire, whatever is on hand; 0.2 to
> 0.45mm dia is easy to use; after twisting I give the group a good pull the
> stretch and stiffen it a bit but it still remains very flexible indeed and
> does not have a memory effect.  I tie the wires to a fence post then fit the
> other ends into an electric hand drill 25m, it's surprising how much
> twisting is needed. You must not let the wires touch the ground.   It is
> also very slippery and does not cling to other wires which I find a great
> advantage when manipulating multi-wire structures.  I call it "multi twist".
> David
> > An "El Cheapo" approach might be to use multi-conductor cable
> > instead of a single, fat conductor to minimize Skin Effect losses.
> >
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