Thanks - the post was actually captioned 2nd Run on Z10000 Buffer Amplifier.

For the K3, the universal model of the Z10000 would be usable and will provide around 70 dB isolation, which, when combined with the isolation in the K3's internal source follower IF buffer pick-off amplifier should be enough to let a Softrock receiver work without interference to the K3.

I've delayed receipt of my K3 until the 2nd receiver issues are sorted out, so I can't run tests, but based on the numbers involved (Softrock local oscillator output around -40 dBm if my memory is correct) the Z10000 and K3 internal isolation in tandem should be adequate.

A related issue is whether it is necessary/desirable to interpose a bandpass filter between the K3's IF output and the Softrock receiver input. There's a lot of stuff that comes out the K3's IF output port, signals from internal oscillators, etc. I don't have an opinion on whether a 300 or 400 KHz wide bandpass filter will be necessary or not. Again, that requires some measurements that I can not perform until my K3 arrives. Since the Softrock works with an antenna connected to it, I suspect that additional filtering won't be required, but it would be nice to verify my suspiscion.

I also have a connectorized version of the buffer amplifier, but had not decided whether to make it available or not. I use them around my shop when I need extra amplification for a particular project.

Jack K8ZOA

rkayakr wrote:

Please comment by Jack Smith K8ZOA on Z10000 interface in topic "K3 SSB
Strange Behavior".

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