We had check-ins!!!

The Elecraft SSB Net was held this evening with a total of 6 check-ins.
We actually started just before 6pm on 7.195khz. Band conditions were
typical for 40 meters...qsb...qrn...but Elecraft gear was up for the

Your NCS was Roger, WA7BOC, way out here in the Northwest, further north
than your CW NCS, Kevin KD5ONS. For this evening, I was using K3 #75 set at
20 watts drive to a Hallicraft(ers) ancient HT-41 amplifier at 400-500 watt
PEP. This RF traveled through a Palstar balanced L antenna tuner out the
ladder line to a full wave 160 meter loop high up in some Douglas Fir trees.
The microphone was the Elecraft MD2 desk mic with the TX equalizer set flat.

The "inaugural" check-ins: (I get to play it up as volunteer NCS hi hi!!)

W6NIA   Matt   K3 #24   CA
KC6ROC  Rob    K2 #5924 CA
N0EHQ   Ed     K3 #242  IA
XE2HWJ  Craig  K? #??   LaPaz Baja California
AD5X    Phil   K3 #308  TX

Craig, I had too many numbers on my tablet and lost your serial number in
the process!!
I will have a nice form ready to go for the next session!

All stations were 20-30 over...pre-amp off... for a moment or two...like I
said...40m qsb...

For such a short notice it was a lot of fun, thanks to all who checked in.
Please keep the
ideas coming so the day, time, and frequencie(s) can be firmed up.

It was great to hear some voices attached to the call letters we have seen
on the various

73 and "pulling the big switch"

Roger WA7BOC
K3 #75

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert Brigham
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 5:32 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Calling the K3 USERS GROUP on SSB

I plan to try with my K2/100. See you there in a few
minutes from near LA.
K2/100 5924

--- Augie Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Windy Dankoff KM5Q wrote:
> > I've gotten favorable replies from a few people.
> Bob VE3UK suggested a
> > frequency for the 40m net. I inserted it in the
> schedule below.
> > ...
> > Any other suggestions?
> > ...
> > Listen +/- 5 kHz. If nobody's there, call "CQ K3
> Users Group". When
> > identifying, add "in the K3 Users Group"
> frequently. If necessary, someone
> > will step up to be net control.
> Would you not be better able to establish an
> Elecraft-related SSB net if
> the K2, also quite capable of phone ops, were
> included? And there are at
> this time a heck of a lot more K2s in play than K3s.
> If a split is
> deemed necessary at a later time, you can set up
> special interest groups
> on different frequencies or at different times.
> Just a thought...
> Gus Hansen
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