Have you been able to establish communication with Al
Gore?  Did Al Gore invent this technology?

Cookie, K5EWJ

--- Bill W5WVO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Aw, Keith let the cat out of the bag!
> It was Schrodinger's cat, actually. :-) Might as
> well fill you in as much as I 
> can...
> Keith and I have been part of an ultra-secret Beta
> test team for the K5 for 
> some time now (I think). The K5 utilizes an entirely
> new technology that 
> produces a communication medium by modulating dark
> energy to produce quantum 
> resonance with an infinite number of possible
> parallel reality states, thus 
> allowing us to communicate with other
> similarly-equipped hams -- alternative, 
> parallel instances of other hams, actually, since
> randomly connecting with the 
> instantaneous quantum state of one's own reality
> plane is vanishingly 
> unlikely. We'll leave that to all the obsolete
> electromagnetic guys still 
> using K3s and the like!
> This has produced some very interesting results so
> far. With careful 
> adjustment of the K5, it is possible to access many
> of the possible reality 
> states of any given ham. We are even discussing
> establishing an operating 
> achievement award for working the same ham in 100
> different parallel reality 
> planes. (Contacting yourself in an alternative
> reality plane does not count.) 
> Further evolution of the quantum CPU's firmware will
> be necessary before 
> results such as this can be reliably achieved, but
> the possibilities are quite 
> intriguing. Already I find myself working instances
> of other hams who live in 
> countries that used to exist here, or that might
> exist here, or that will 
> never exist here. Makes DXCC take on a whole new...
> er, dimension! So to 
> speak. It's all somewhere... out there... (I
> think...)
> Anyway, you get the idea. I can't tell y'all any
> more about it, because if I 
> do, it will all change anyway, so what's the point?
> Needless to say, it's 
> really very challenging!
> So back to my Beta testing... Let's see, what was it
> I was Beta-testing, 
> then?... I don't seem to see anything here... can't
> remember...
> Bill W5WVO (I think)
> Jim Miller wrote:
> > I noticed you have a K5.  Let us know what it is
> like.  HI
> > 73, Jim
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
> > Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:08 PM
> > Subject: [Elecraft] K3 time from 'gram to ship.
> > - Keith N1AS -
> > - K5 5411.ssb.100 -
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