First of all, nothing has been implemented yet.

Second, let's not complicate things here.

The only thing being suggested is that the K3 be capable of CW while one is operating SSB. This feature is currently found on several Yaesu and Icom rigs (don't know about Kenwood). The paddle/key would be in parallel with the microphone (so to speak). Hitting the paddle would automatically put the rig into CW mode and when key-up occurs, the rig automatically reverts back to SSB mode. No switch fiddling, button pushing, or other operator input would be required. No change in frequency would occur EXCEPT that during key-down the standard CW offset would happen. By necessity, the feature would be enabled and disabled through a menu option.

If CW is not your thing, don't worry about it -- you won't need it anyway.

Someone wrote:

Would you be so kind as to confirm that what has been
implemented is triggered by keying input whilst in SSB?

If so, will this new feature be user selectable?

If not, can it be?

Switching modes on a radio is usually something that
comes as a result of the operator deciding to switch
modes & having to do something specific to achieve
that.  Presumption that the keying line is only asserted
when CW is to be sent is asking a bit much.  Making
the input for sending CW also trigger a mode change is
a significant change in behavior, one that normally would
not be expected of a radio - kind of like not expecting that
switching on the main beam headlamps causes a car
to change lanes & switch gears by itself.

Having CW in the right place so that there is no need to
move the VFO from where tuned for a SSB signal seems
to be a more reasonable solution without adding feature
that causes radio to go on form of walkabout on the

I seem to recall switching from USB to CW in QSO on
FT-726R required no retuning.  I don't recall ever changing
from LSB to CW in QSO when on satellite, but today in
radio with CW/CW-R & carrier in right place, the requested
functionality could be had by the radio selecting CW/CW-R
as appropriate for the SSB mode switched from.  Not
sure how to deal with direction of tuning - would seem a
bit odd for sophisticated new radio like K3 to have what
looked to be high/low-side injection change on some
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