On Wed, 07 May 2008 12:49:16 -0700, Bob N6WG wrote:

>I would suggest a 1 MHz step, along the lines used in
>the old Collins 51J series of receivers.  They tuned
>1 MHz segments, so had to step up to the next 1 MHz
>A 1 MHz step would touch every hamband directly,
>while 5 MHz would miss all of them.
>73, Bob N6WG

No, I meant a tuning rate of 5 MHz per full turn of the VFO knob...
but it WOULD increment the frequency readout in 1 MHz steps, as you

5 MHz per one full turn would, for instance, let you go from 7.0xx MHz
to 15.1xx MHz in about one and a half turns of the VFO knob, acting
more like a band switch than a VFO. Perhaps 10 MHz per turn would be
even better. The current Coarse Tune rate (1 or 2 MHz?) is not coarse
enough to act as a band switch.


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