Something has happened to the S-meter in this release. All of a sudden I have
signals that are 60dB over S9. I am sure there is no more than 6-10dB
between S9+10 and S9+60. This is also evident when backing off the RF gain. 
I have not made any CONFIG changes in order to use the new absolute S-meter
setting. I have not recalibrated the S-meter. What is wrong here?

Knut - AB2TC

I'm getting the same result as Bob. No matter how I set the threshold, 2,3,
Automatic, etc, I cannot get it to perform as well as the old 1.78 version
which was just amazing.

Windy KM5Q

Bob Cunnings wrote:
> Well, I have, and found that the lower the threshold, the less stable.
> Using the beta version, with THR = 2 excursions of 20 Hz between
> auto-spot invocations are not uncommon - yet on the same signal (S5 or
> so) the 1.78 version performs very well. The side by side comparison
> with two rigs using the same signal is telling. I'll play with it a
> bit more this evening.
> Bob NW8L
> On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Try setting the threshold to 2 or 3 (CWT Hold).  With a fixed
>> threshold, it seems very close to the previous performance on
>> all but the strongest signals (and even the old FW was a bit
>> touchy with S9+20 signals).
>> 73,
>>   ... Joe, W4TV

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