Brian Alsop wrote:

Walwarts of the future will most likely be a real pain. I understand some legislation has required all of them to be switching in the near future.

I have a small halogen lamp which has a walwart that can be used as a noise generator for adjusting the filters in my K2. It produces a wideband hash that is perfect for this purpose. It is very loud in most of the HF spectrum. I have never heard a switcher make a noise like this; usually they make burbles, floaters, and digital tinkles.

Speaking of switchers, I once had an IC751 with a built-in AC supply, a switcher which was mounted in a flat shielded box on the bottom of the radio. There was a tinkling noise audible on all bands which drove me crazy. This was some years ago, and it didn't occur to me that it might be the power supply. I actually sent the radio to ICOM, and they 'fixed' several things but the noise remained.

Although I know switchers can be quiet -- especially when you are careful to use baluns, etc. on antennas to reduce local noise pickup -- I prefer an old heavy Astron linear supply in my shack.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
K2 no. 709
K3 no. 00007
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