You can try switching off a suspected street lamp by beaming its
photocell with a laser pointer. The photocell is located on top of the
lamp housing. It is directional, usually oriented toward the north
(but not always) so you would have to spot it with the laser from this
particular direction. 

You could go around the neighborhood with a portable radio and a laser
pointer, trying each lamp. Or set up a recorder at your rig, tuned to
WWV time signals, and log the times when you switch off particular
streetlamps. Having a tripod for the laser pointer might help. A green
laser will make a nice beam which you can see, not just a spot.

How you explain your activities to the cops when they pick you up is
another story...


On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 09:11:23 -0700, Brett Howard  wrote:

>?I've got a HUGE problem in my area too.  It only comes on at night (not
>all nights though) and its periodic.  Like a lil over a minute on and
>then 40 something seconds off and it goes on and off like that all
>night.  It generally comes on shortly after the street lamps do.  A talk
>with the power company results in a guy calling back saying he was in
>the area and couldn't hear anything.  Well no doubt you weren't there
>when the noise is.  And he says that if its the street lamps they have
>no jurisdiction I have to speak with the city.  Unfortunately I have no
>real way to tell what light it is.

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