These are exactly the condx the BM-10 are useless for here. .
73 de Brian/K3KO
K7TV wrote:

What is adequate headphone sensitivity may be highly dependent on operating
mode and rig selectivity.
Case in point: Many years ago I ordered an FT-1000 and a Heil headset
(forget which model). Headset volume was fine for voice, and for CW using a
wide filter. But the FT-1000, like the K3, can be set to very narrow CW
filtering. This brings down the noise to far below what you have at more
"normal" bandwidth. On a quiet band one can then work CW stations that are
extremely weak. In my case, that is where the Heil headset became unuseable,
because of inadequate volume. In my opinion, when trying to copy the weakest
possible CW signal for a given bandwidth, the gain needs to be high enough
that the noise level is quite loud. I sent the Heil headset back to the
store. This episode begs the question: The K3 being famous for its "quiet"
receiver, does it have enough rx audio gain to provide a loud background
noise level in CW mode using the 50 Hz bandwidth, for an average speaker or
for a reasonable headset (not Heil!)?

Bill W4ZV wrote:

David Yarnes wrote:
I'll add my displeasure as well with regard to Heil headphones. I have 3 Heil headsets--the BM-10, the Heil Pro-Set Plus, and the Elecraft Pro-Set (made by Heil). In all cases the headphones suck! At least as far as output goes.
I wonder if some of you may be going deaf?  I have a Heil BM-10 that I've
had for ~30 year and two Heil Pro-Sets that I've had for ~20 years.  I
just checked using my XG1 at 50 uV, AGC-Fast and RF Gain Max.  I have
plenty of audio on both Pro-Sets with AF gain at ~10 o'clock.  The BM-10
is slightly better at 9:30 o'clock.  For comparison, my current favorite
Extreme Isolation EX-29 is at ~9 o'clock.
I have no complaints about the Heils but now prefer the EX-29, mainly
because its external noise isolation is far superior (and also much better
than any active noise reduction headphones).

73,  Bill

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