Don, Did you buy the requisite "monster cable" and gold connectors? If not try it again. Your Vanderstien speakers will sound better and you won't be wasting those precious audio watts with skinny speaker wire.

Note to all: Please don't email me pro or con in re monster cable and gold connectors. I already know the only reason Radio Shack stays in business is by selling the stuff to audiofool's.

Don Wilhelm wrote:
Warning - tongue is firmly planted in my cheek!

If you want really, really good audio from the K3, go to your audiophile emporium and get a pair of Vanderstien speakers (or other comparable high fidelity speakers) and an audio amplifier suitable for driving them. Connect the amplifier input to the K3 output - of course, there may be some impedance/drive level interfacing to be done, but the K3 will really sound full range on those speakers.

Yes, I know those speakers are floor standing, and are pricy and heavy as well as being low efficiency, but if you really want to hear the true sound of the K3, that is the way to go. The sound of those computer speakers will pale in comparison.

Yes, I tried it once just to see how it would sound, but that is not my normal hamshack setup - compromises must be made, each to his own. My Vandesteins are back in the home theater system where they belong - but do try it if you want to convince yourself how good the K3 (or any radio) can sound.


R. Kevin Stover, AC0H

K2/100 #4684
SKCC #215
FISTS #11993

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