
Not Monster Cable, but a good large conductor flexible speaker cable just the same. As much as those cables are over-hyped, there is still a need to carry a large current for the power levels that some of the low frequency notes can produce - yes, the Vandersteins will go down to 20 Hz with good response and little coloration. I did listening tests before purchasing and satisfied my ears rather than listening to sales and advertizing hype. Before the listening tests (many years ago), I could not conceive that a turntable base (all were good heavy solid construction) itself could make a great difference, I thought it would be mostly the tone arm and cartridge, but listening tests proved that to be false.

I don't buy audio from Radio Shack here - I have a good audio/home theater shop in the area, and have been dealing with them since they started over 20 years ago.


Kevin wrote:
Don, Did you buy the requisite "monster cable" and gold connectors? If not try it again. Your Vanderstien speakers will sound better and you won't be wasting those precious audio watts with skinny speaker wire.

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