I did the same as Don, but with CD players and power amps.  I figured
they were "all the same" and the high priced stuff was just over priced.

Then I did something dangerous.  I actually listened to good gear and
compared it head to head with the great gear.  I found out in a hurry
that I was dead wrong.  There really is a difference, a difference you
can hear.

I don't know if Monster Cable is hype or not, but I'm sure not going to
write it off or embrace it without an A/B listening test.

I've done the same with ham gear.  Many say the TS-830s is a great
sounding rig.  I had one, tried it, compared it to the K2 and promptly
sold the 830s.  People talk about how great the TenTec stuff sounds.
I've had it (Corsair, Omni C, V, Century 22, 21, Argo), used it, loved
it.  Then I foolishly compared it (Omni V) to the 830s.  Boy was that
Omni harsh sounding.  Omni went bye-bye, 830 took the main position on
the desk.  Then came the K2 ... Then the K3.

- Keith N1AS -
- SKCC K3 711 -

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm

Before the listening tests (many years ago), I could not conceive that a
turntable base (all were good heavy solid construction) itself could
make a great difference, I thought it would be mostly the tone arm and
cartridge, but listening tests proved that to be false.

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