On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 17:18, Tom W8JI wrote:

> Nearly the worse way to do any comparison is to know what it 
> is and then compare.
> For example? When I compared a G5RV on 80 meters with a 
> dipole and told people the G5RV was a G5RV, it lost nearly 
> all the time in reports. When I said the dipole was the G5RV 
> and the G5RV was the dipole, the actual dipole almost always 
> lost and the antenna that was really the G5RV almost always 
> was "better". When I did the test blind they were randomly 
> about equal, the same as a field strength reading and a 
> model of the antenna systems showed.
> 73 Tom

Many years ago when we installed the new 120-foot tower with stacked 20
meter monobanders at W1AW, we wanted to compare the new antenna with the
old rhombic antenna that had been used for years for bulletins and code
practice.  For several weeks, after each transmission session we would
send a series of long dashes on each antenna and ask people to send in
reception reports comparing the two antennas.  But we called the
antennas "A" and "B" with a random assignment each session of which was

By the way, the results were kind of interesting.  The rhombic was as
good or better than the stacked monobanders for stations on its
boresight to the west - more or less centered on San Francisco as I
recall.  But the Yagis had a wider beam width so they were significantly
better in places like Washington state and San Diego.

I suspect if we had announced which antenna was "A" and which was "B" we
probably would have got different results.


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