Good Evening,
   Our solar stream has ceased but conditions were very nice for a few days 
afterward.  I have not been on the air since Wednesday so I don't know that it 
continues.  No, I did check in to the MARS net on Friday and conditions were 
much better than they have been lately.  I seem to forget about those rare 
occasions when I am forced to use a microphone.  MARS has been talking about CW 
nets but so few folks know the code any longer they have not gotten under way.  
I broached the subject at Field Day but discussion was quite brief.  
   Weather has turned again; back to wet and cool.  Sam is happily ensconced in 
his box next to the woodstove enjoying the heat.  I better get some wood in 
before I go to bed so it will be very dry by tomorrow.  Autumn is only a day 
away so I had better get covers over all my wood piles to keep them dry.  Right 
now they are seasoning in the last of the sun.  As the year progresses more and 
more of the sun's path is obscured by the mountain to my south.  Around the 
solstice it is gone entirely for about a six weeks.  Then it appears at dawn 
and near dusk for ever lengthening intervals.  
   Almost forgot: if conditions are good enough tomorrow I will reinstate the 
call by zone system.  This helps keep the uproar down to where I can hear 
individual stations better.  Last week there was quite a bit of QRM so I could 
only work the tail end stations until the crowd thinned considerably.  If 
necessary I will call East first, then the middle of the country, and finally 
the west.  It may be easier to call by time zones.  That way the folks in the 
east can secure early while people out west can check in later since it will 
still be daylight here.  So Eastern Daylight, Central and Mountain Daylight, 
and then finally all of the stations in the far west: Hawaii, Alaska, 
Washington, Oregon, and that state south of us :)  If Tom is available he can 
call for the folks in New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere.  Maybe even 
Iceland and Ireland!  

Please join us tomorrow evening.
1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)
3) Call by time zone (East, Central & Mountain, everybody else)
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz
   Stay well,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS

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