Randy, KS4L, wrote:

> However, the keying through N1MM operates as though PTT is enabled 
> at the beginning of a transmission and disabled at the end.  In other 
> words, I hear no signals during the N1MM transmission.  I'm keying 
> through the RS232 port on the K3 from a standard serial port on my PC 
> (same cable as used for the CAT from N1MM).  I have PTT--KEY set to 
> OFF-dtr, N1MM set for DTR-CW, RTS-Always off.  Is there something I'm 
> missing?

By any chance do you have Radio PTT via Command checked in the N1MM
Configurer for the K3 serial port? That would cause exactly the symptoms you
observed. Also, in the main Configurer window, make sure that there is only
one check mark under CW/Other (the one beside the K3 Radio port).

Rich VE3KI

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