Simple solution: if calling at high speed gets reduced contacts, slow down, if not, carry on. I've been on both ends of this debate.


Vic K2VCO wrote:

Bill W4ZV wrote:

If you were answered 4L0A at 15-18 WPM, he would have completed 2 QSOs by
the time you finished signing your call twice!  And you would have been
QRMing everyone else in the process. He was sending at 32-34 WPM and his
canned exchange sped up to ~50 WPM (i.e. "ENN AU" for 599 21).  And this
on 160 meters no less!

I always slow down to the speed of guys that call me but a very slow
answering a speedy op in a big pileup is simply a QRM generator who
shouldn't be there.

That sounds a bit harsh, Bill!

It was meant to be because I heard way too much of this the past 48 hours.
Guys calling far too long (or slowly) thinking that the name of the game is
"who can call the longest".  Meanwhile the DX station works stations that
can hear him through the continuous callers.

73,  Bill

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