Julian, G4ILO wrote:
> Vic K2VCO wrote:
>> Bill W4ZV wrote:
>>> I always slow down to the speed of guys that call me but a very slow
>>> caller
>>> answering a speedy op in a big pileup is simply a QRM generator who
>>> shouldn't be there.  
>> That sounds a bit harsh, Bill!
> Thank you, Vic. This elitist attitude that just because someone can send
> code faster than someone else or has a bigger and more powerful station
> than someone else gives them more right to use the airwaves than anyone
> else makes my blood boil. This is a hobby and it is supposed to be fun.
> There is no other way to enjoy a contest when you have only 100W to an
> attic antenna farm. If only the serious big guns came on for a contest
> they'd all work each other in the first 6 hours and then what would they
> do? Well I won't waste my time giving W4ZV a point if I hear him on,
> that's for sure. Next I suppose we'll be hearing that QRP stations
> shouldn't bother coming on for a contest because they waste too much of
> people's time trying to copy them. Perhaps I'll just put my K3 on eBay
> since I'm obviously unworthy of owning it.

Sorry you feel that way Julian but I don't believe you actually read my

> I always slow down to the speed of guys that call me but a very slow
> caller
> answering a speedy op in a big pileup is simply a QRM generator who
> shouldn't be there. 

I said a "very slow caller" in a "big pileup".  I did not say a slow caller
with nobody else calling.  I stand by my statement.

I also wouldn't disparage contesters too much.  They're much more likely to
hear your 100W to an attic antenna than someone using similar antennas to
yours.  QRPers sometimes forget who is doing the real work when they make a
rare DX contact.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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