Ed Gray W0SD wrote:
Thanks Lyle!  For me that is great news!

I have another question on the KDVR3. If I am using PTT rather than VOX can I play a DVR message by tapping for example M1. Let me explain more. A long term problem with VHF contesting and using DVR on two meters and above is hot switching the amplifier T/R relay at high power, ie 8877 on two meters. By and large people use PTT and even then in some cases a sequencer to be sure the amplifier T/R relay has to be closed or at least gets a head start at two meters and up. If you use DVR on VOX you soon burn up an amplifier T/R relay at Two meters and up unless it is an expensive vaccum T/R and I have seen them go!

With the KDVR3 I am wondering when using the K3 with a XVERTER if one can key it and the amplifier it is driving with PTT and then play the KDVR3 message tapping the M1, etc. key.

I am assuming if the VOX is not on the KDVR3 will not key up the radio if you accidently hit M1, etc.

Pressing M1 *does* key the radio even if you're in PTT mode, and it
should - I don't want to have to separately assert PTT (or use VOX) to
transmit a recorded audio message.

I don't drive an amplifier myself, but I understand that there's a
configurable delay between they KEY OUT of the K3 and actual transmit.
I expect it should apply to DVR-initiated TX as well as PTT . Wouldn't
that be sufficient?

However I am wondering since in USB or LSB you can send CW even though the radio has the VOX turned off. Put another way you can not transmit with the mic until you engage PTT but if you hit the key it still works jsut like VOX. Maybe there is a setting where that can be defeated but if so I have missed it?

Are you asking about the CW key or the M1 button? The CW key will only
be active in SSB mode if you have turned on "SSB +CW" in CONFIG:CW WGHT
(manual page 53). Whether or not that should key the radio without VOX
or PTT is an interesting question, but I'm not sure if it's the one
you're asking! :)

    ~Iain / N6ML

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