That information in the site Paul referenced, as it relates to radiators, is
also available in just about any antenna design handbook printed since the
1930's, so I'd trust it. 

The author does mention that the angle of radiation is strongly affected by
the length of the antenna. That's also well documented. In a vertical, the
main lobe rises quickly above the horizon as the antenna passes 5/8
wavelengths tall. A little rise in angle is unnoticeable in the "real world"
since everything radiated by a vertical below about 15 or 20 degrees
elevation is lost to ground absorption (unless one is sitting in the middle
of the ocean). So 43 feet tall is not optimum for 10 meters but is ideal on
20 meters.

There's actually an advantage in lower angle radiation to extending a
vertical beyond 1/4 wavelength up to 5/8 wavelength. As the length
approaches 5/8 wavelength, the familiar "donut pattern" is squashed with
more power radiated at the lower angles while less is radiated at higher
angles. That is, the "donut" pattern starts to resemble a fat disk. However,
when one exceeds 5/8 wavelength the pattern quickly breaks up with much of
the energy in higher-angle lobes. 

As the author notes, ground losses are the major issue. One resistor is the
radiation resistance of the antenna and the other resistor is the ground
resistance. Applying Ohm's law to series resistances shows that the most
power is dissipated in the larger valued resistor. So you want the largest
"resistance" in the system to be the radiation resistance. Ideally, you'd
use a 1/2 wavelength radiator since that presents the largest radiation
resistance but, obviously, such a radiator arranged vertically would have
very poor low-angle radiation. When considering ground losses, think of two
resistors in series with current (RF) flowing through them. A 1/4 wave
vertical has a radiation resistance of about 35 ohms. That resistance drops
very quickly as the antenna becomes shorter. A 1/8 wavelength radiator, for
example, has a radiation resistance is about 7 ohms and 1/16 wave is under 2

It's very easy for a compromise ground such as used by many Hams to show a
resistance of 200 or 300 ohms. That's why many  *short* vertical
installations have an efficiency of only a few percent, throwing almost all
the RF energy away heating the earth. 

On the other hand, a 1/2 wave radiator with its very high radiation
resistance, perhaps in the 2000 to 3000 ohm range, is a very efficient
radiator, even with a poor or virtually no ground. But, as noted, a 1/2 wave
end-fed vertical has an very undesirable radiation pattern. (Of course if
it's center fed and oriented vertically, the familiar "donut" pattern is
preserved, but not if it's end fed against a ground.)

The author seems to be focused on how to feed a vertical efficiently across
a range of frequencies. That is a big challenge if one doesn't want to put
an active matching network at the feed point of the antenna. (Such active
matching networks are commonly used in multi-band vertical installations
commercially, such as on ships.) 

As the author notes, there are added losses since all matching networks have
some losses. The more elements - inductors especially - the more losses. He
states his figures do not include those added losses. 

The more common approach is to use a trap vertical. The traps divide the
radiator into 1/4 wavelength segments on the various bands so it always
"looks" like a common 1/4 wave vertical to the feed line. That's quite easy
to match for a consistently low SWR on those bands for which the traps are
designed. The disadvantages of a trap vertical (or any trap antenna) is that
the traps add ohmic losses to the system and, most important, the antenna
always shows a low impedance at the feed point. That low impedance requires
a decent ground system to avoid most of the RF "heating the earth'. 

Good "engineering" has always been, IMO, not a matter of making things
perfect, but a matter of managing the compromises for the best results given
the limitations imposed. Nowhere is that more obvious than in an antenna


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