Doug, I was very happy to read you analysis of the K3 radio.  I have mine on 
order and it should arrive tomorrow barring another snow storm like we had 
yesterday.  I have be reading most of the posts to the Elecraft reflector 
and it is quite intimidating.  My plan is to apply power, connect an antenna 
and a mic and start playing.  I just sold my Flex 5000A because I got tired 
of all the tweaking and discussion. Your post has given me hope.  BTW, a 
good friend of mine in the Rochester area has just received  8 K3's  for his 
multi-multi station.  He doesn't think that the K3 is complicated at all.

Bob W6TR Fort Collins, CO
----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Elecraft Reflector" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:46 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 - CQWW SSB Observations - R U kidding?

> The K3 is as simple or complex as you want to make it.  I have a pair
> of K3s (and still a K2) and I contest 99% of the time I'm on the
> radio.  Honestly, I hardly ever touch anything other than the tuning
> knob.  I think many folks using "other" radios NEED to play with the
> knobs because of the inherently inferior design of the RX.  The K3 is
> so good "as is" one really does not need to "twiddle the knobs" much
> at all.  You certainly are NOT going into the menus during the contest
> (if you're a serious all band contester).  I am not saying you can't
> twiddle around, but for 99% of the contacts, there is no need.
> Too complicated?  Well, selfishly, I hope that rumor continues to
> spread so those us who already own the K3 can maintain our undeniable
> advantage for contesting in crowded, multiple strong signal
> environments.  Hey, I did win both modes CQWW for USA qrp last year
> (yes, using the K3).
> And yes, there are several BIG contest stations that have moved to all
> K3s (including Multi-multi).
> Just because a radio is capable of being "changed on the fly to the
> nth degree" does not mean you're doing that all the time (or more than
> once or twice a year).
> de Doug KR2Q
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