lu w4lt wrote:

I can get an ACOM 1010 (admittedly, with a tube) around (below) that that
price with the handy TRI tuning and 800w to do the same thing, with
paperclip reliability to boot.  

Also, an ALS600 with the Linear Power supply, AD5X Full Break In mod and an
external bandswitching accessory plus an MFJ998 would come in considerably
under the $2,000 price.  I should know. I own this configuration and it
works wonderfully at a total cost of just under $1,800 :)

Matching boxes are nice, but they are not worth that kind of money for that
power level.  500 watts in kit form with a under $1,100 price point makes
much more sense in today's economic environment, with the added advantage of
me being able to build and service it (although the Ameritron is very simple
inside, easy to service and I don't have to build it, for two hundred
dollars more!).

Sorry, but the Kool Aid seems to be starting to taste a little bitter.



lu, I understand how you conclude your personal equipment druthers - and
there can be no criticisms for those choices. 

Let me suggest; however, that there is an "iron triangle" that most people
consider as trade-offs for purchases, either consciously or subconsciously :
1) Performance, 2) Style, and 3) Cost.  In general we all seek to maximize
performance in whatever we wish to acquire or purchase, whether it be power
level, duty cycle, weight, distortion, and HF and 6-meter band coverage. I
will argue that Style is also an issue for everyone on some level - do we
really need to have any of our cabinets painted? What about knobs?  Must
they be black? Knurled? Plastic? Metal?  Ultimately, Performance and Style
are phase-locked to COST.  The more you demand of Performance and Style, the
higher the Cost must be.  Considerations of 1) Performance, 2) Style, and 3)
Cost, send our personal choices in the directions that suit us as we
individuals deem best.  Those choices have nothing to do with the taste of
anyone's Kool Aid.

I have already acquired a high duty cycle, low distortion, 1.5KW amplifier
years ago. Now I would like a small, light, and portable HF+6-meter
amplifier for DXpedition duty.  I personally will not consider ANY amplifier
that cannot Perform on 6-meters in a small stylish, compact, light, and low
distortion package.  Your mileage does vary.

Terry K4RX

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