Good Evening,
   I returned from Seaside this afternoon after an interesting day at the local 
hamfest.  I did not spend a dime but saw lots of folks I knew and met a few new 
ones.  Two of them are moving away so seeing them will become much more 
difficult :(  Lisa was as welcoming and cheerful as ever.  It is always a treat 
to chat with her.  I did not know she had her very own John Deere tractor.  
Greg was there discussing various modes on the K3 with many folks.  It was fun 
to talk with him too.  
   The weather from home to the coast only got nicer as we drove along.  By the 
time we returned to downtown Buxton it was WARM!  It was nice to feel the sun 
and not have to wear multiple layers of clothes to stay comfortable.  
Propagation was discussed as was building, contesting, and operating in 
general.  I met my ECOM friends and got lunch from the NTS folks I have worked 
with.  It pays to get on the air :)  Hopefully I can help a few folks with 
their building projects and get them communicating.  I proselytize the use of 
CW, make a few converts, and encourage the backsliders.  However it does seem 
the wheat is winnowed from the chaff as they pass through the eye of the 

Please join us tomorrow afternoon and evening.
1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help  (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)
Sunday 2200z (Sunday 3 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0000z (Sunday 5 PM PDT)  7045 kHz
   Stay well,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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