My "FD" experience was a bit different. I operated some with my K3/10 "1D" 
from the home QTH with the old dipoles up on 75/40/20m. I wanted to play SSB 
QRP and see what kind of fun I could have. I used HamRadio Deluxe, PSDR for 
interface then spotted and pounced. I only ran for a couple 2 or 3 hrs and very 
casually. I had about an equal number of QSOs on 20 and 40 with just a handful 
on 75, since the operations were mostly mid afternoon Saturday. It seemed that 
the 20m QSOs were easier than 40m, with seems counter intuitive. 

  I use a Softrock on the IF to drive PSDR and I chose mostly the stronger 
stations to pounce on, but not all, by any means. One really neat 75m QSO was 
working W0CIA who was running an 817 at 3w from the top of a fire tower 
somewhere here in northern MN.

  Lots of positive comments on the good signal for the 10-12watts. I ran with 
the Elecraft hand mike and the compression set at 16. I only recently started 
using compression at all, and it makes a very big difference. Been hamming 
55yrs and never used compression on any of my previous gear. Old dogs can learn 
new tricks.

  The local club had a Field Day station I visited over the weekend, I ran a 
bit of 40m with a Kenwood 450. Very smooth little rig to operate, but it seemed 
I had to call more than at home QRP. Lots more adjacent frequency QRM and I 
sure missed the Softrock panadapter.

  My K3/10 spends most of its life as my 6m - 10Ghz IF rig.

  Bill  K0AWU  K3-3xxx
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