At 05:53 AM 11/26/2008, Greg wrote:
> Oh, and actually it _is_ likely to be bad. See that first graph? See how
> over thousands of simulated elections it gets lower social satisfaction?

Brian, you're graphs are computer-generated elections that you made
up. They aren't actual elections that took place in practice, which
show a high unlikelihood of being bad. When your theory is a poor
predictor of the data, it's time to change the theory, not insist the
data must be different from what they are.

The Range simulations that Smith did are different from the Yee diagrams, though Yee diagrams, independently developed, show similar things. The Range simulations are based on voter preference profiles and candidate positions that are designed to be roughly realistic. And thus, with them, it becomes possible to make predictions about the frequency of occurrence of election pathologies.

The problem with "real election data" from "actual elections" is twofold: first of all, such data is only available for very few elections, comparatively, and it is quite tedious to collect. Secondly, we don't have the internal preference profiles on which, say, Condorcet failure would be judged. San Francisco data, for example, only collects the top three preferences. One might need to go deeper. There is no way to know preference strength data to know if what might be called normalized and summed social utility failure is taking place, i.e., failure to select the optimal candidate from the point of view of overall voter satisfaction.

We can do all this with the simulations. Simulations, properly done, should predict real election behavior, at least to some extent. That work is yet to be done. However, at this point *the simulations are all we have.* We don't have any other reasonably objective way of measuring election method performance.

Measuring. Basically, Greg, you've just got your mouth and a pile of opinions, no proof at all that IRV, in the U.S., replacing nonpartisan top two runoff races, is any better, and there is pretty good evidence that it is worse. It is choosing winners who, in a real runoff among the top two (and the IRV winner would be among the top two, we can be practically certain of that, since moving from third place in first preference to a win simply does not happen in IRV elections in Australia), would lose. I'd call that a poor result, one which, by the principles of majority rule as long understood and practiced, would be rejected.

So if you think we should look at real elections instead of simulations, why don't you. Take a look at them, take a look at all the IRV elections that have been held in the U.S. since San Francisco was duped into implementing IRV. (Yes, duped. The voter information pamphlet gave the voters false information, and, unfortunately, none of the opponents picked up on it. We have a lot of work to do! It's possible to argue that the voters would have approved IRV anyway, but what is really important is that they did not do what many were thinking they were doing. They did not implement a system that supports majority rule, they did not implement a system that guarantees a majority, far from it. The IRV code change actually struck the majority requirement from the code. But the voter information pamphlet said that the winner would still be required to gain a majority. Now, few people, encountering IRV for the first time, are going to realize the problem with exhausted ballots, they will have no idea that so many votes will be discarded and the ballots treated as if the voter hadn't voted. That's *highly* offensive to the concept of majority rule and the importance of majority decisions. The name of Robert's Rules of Order has been used in vain by IRV promoters, who claim that RRO "recommends" IRV for mail voting. In fact, what RRO describes is IRV, but with a true majority requirement ("or the election will have to be repeated").

Naturally, they don't call what they describe "instant runoff." Because it isn't. It's the *method* of IRV, but with that critical rule: a majority of ballots cast must contain a vote for the winner, revealed. What they are actually recommending, by the way, is "preferential voting," and they simply describe the IRV method "by way of illustration." Because there is a simpler and better method which is more likely to find a majority than IRV, because it counts all the votes if it's needed, I've been asked, "Why, then, did they not describe that other method, why did they describe IRV, smarty pants?"

Robert's Rules of Order is a manual of practice, reflecting actual practice. The better method of preferential voting mentioned hasn't been used in this country for many years, it's Bucklin Voting, which was very, very popular. It's a monotonic method, it is really instant runoff Approval, it finds majorities more efficiently than IRV, it's far easier to count, being a simple sum-of-votes method, and it has better performance in the simulations. Consider this: it was widely used. No examples of failure known, i.e., it was not rejected because of poor results. Much cheaper to count, can be run on ordinary voting machines. Fixes the spoiler effect. It's quite like Approval except it does allow preference ranking and lower ranks are only used if a majority isn't found with the higher ranks.

Bucklin is not in use. I'm unaware of any recent examples. The editors of RRO were obviously aware that there were many forms of preferential voting, but they were constrained to describe one example. Which they then comment is problematic because the method of sequential elimination can eliminate a "compromise candidate." For that, read "Condorcet winner."

This is, in other words, Center Squeeze, and that is *not* a rare phenomenon; we've seen it many times with Top Two runoff: the Lizard vs. the Wizard election in Louisiana, the French presidential election in 2002 where the probably Condorcet winner was narrowly bumped down to third place by Le Pen, into the decimal percentages, with both getting about 19% and Chirac only a few percent more. (Lots of candidates!). Jospin would almost certainly have beaten Chirac, the first-preference frontrunner. When the runoff came, Chirac slaughtered Le Pen, so to speak, with 80% of the vote.

IRV is sold as a simulation of runoff voting, and some implementations do exactly that: batch elimination of all candidates but the top two, then vote transfers from lower preferences of eliminated candidates.

Both IRV and Top Two Runoff are, on the face, vulnerable to Center Squeeze, and there is no reason I've ever seen to think it will be more rare with IRV than with TTR. So we have lots of examples to look at to see actual behavior. Center Squeeze takes special conditions, though. It takes three major parties, at least. Most IRV elections have been held under two-party conditions, and, in spite of the claims of IRV supporters, it appears that IRV supports and makes two-party systems more stable. Yes, you really ought to look at real IRV results and effects, instead of the pipe dreams FairVote has smoked up for you.

Greg, did you know all this? Be honest!

Did you know that Robert's Rules of Order doesn't recommend what is sold as IRV or RCV in this country?

That Top Two Runoff is much closer to what Robert's Rules of Order prefers? (They prefer no candidate elimination, and some variations on TTR allow write-in votes, thus they are closer to parliamentary procedure than any method limited to one ballot can be)

That Center Squeeze is not uncommon whenever there are three parties with the largest number of first preference votes, and that RRO specifically criticizes sequential elimination preferential voting for this? In other words, if IRV were to actually encourage third parties, it would then create the conditions for its own failure?

That much better, simpler, cheaper, and more reliable methods exist and one of them, Bucklin, has seen more use in the U.S. than the recent experiments with IRV?

Now, one argument you made was true, or at least represents the intention of FairVote. You argued that IRV would pave the way for proportional representation. That's probably FairVote strategy from the beginning; they started as the Center for Proportional Representation, morphed into the Center for Voting and Democracy, and then to FairVote. The original goal was PR, for most people involved in the early meetings. IRV is a band-aid, PR is a serious change, a major reform. IRV in the U.S., in nonpartisan elections, only rarely differs in result from Plurality. It differs in result from Top Two Runoff, in possibly about one election out of ten.

But the common (and generally good) method for doing PR is Single Transferable Vote, with its complex and difficult vote-transfer schemes. FairVote realized that they couldn't get this in one step. At some point the term "Instant runoff voting" was suggested to Richie -- we have the testimony of the person who suggested, who later came to regret it, he does not support IRV -- and he realized, I'm sure, that this gave him a toehold. IRV could be sold as a cheaper, more convenient substitute for real runoff voting. Did he care that it is *not* a simulation of real runoff voting, that by making this change, the right of the people to choose was being lessened? I don't think so. I'm not sure that, at that point, anyone was aware of the difference. But we know now. Real runoffs are far more powerful a reform than *any* deterministic method!

But FairVote's goal isn't better single-winner elections, not really. If it were, there are much better methods! Haven't you noticed, Greg, that those who really understand voting systems, who have studied them for many years, almost universally don't like IRV? IRV uses a complicated system of candidate elimination and vote transfers that makes it violate quite a number of voting system criteria, and, at the same time, satisfy a highly questionable criterion -- read Woodall in his original description --, Later No Harm, which strikes at the heart of the principles of democratic compromise.

FairVote's goal is now a bit unclear. I think it is largely to win. Whatever. The long term goal may remain PR, and there is, indeed, an STV-PR element to the Minneapolis situation. That is, if it passes constitutional muster (on the face, it most certainly does not, several independent attorneys gave that opinion, against an attorney affiliated with FairVote, plus, hey, I've read the whole Brown v. Smallwood decision and have studied it carefully. FairVote has extensively lied about it, misrepresenting it by quoting it out of context. If the attornies for FairVote and the City of Minneapolis rely on that argument, they may be sunk. However, Brown v. Smallwood was deeply flawed, self-contradictory, and not supported by any other similar decision elsewhere. They were aware that they were violating precedent, that other courts had found preferential voting to be valid. B v. S should be reversed. FairVote, though, isn't going for that. Instead they are trying to argue that B v. S is valid, and was really about Later No Harm -- this very recently invented criterion that they find dicta supporting in B v. S -- and because the method involved was Bucklin voting, not single transferable vote, they argue that IRV isn't covered by B v. S. In other words, they are arguing that all other advanced voting methods, including Condorcet methods, Approval, Range, Bucklin, should remain illegal and that only sequential elimination be allowed. Poisonous. Narrow self-interest, for narrow political advantage. It's what we've come to expect from FairVote, unfortunately.

(Brown v. Smallwood actually outlawed any form of alternative vote, allowing voters to vote for more candidates than there are winners for the office. They mention this not just once, and it is reaffirmed in the court's response to the request for rehearing. In order to take the position they take, they have to seize on a possible meaning of one sentence and ignore the rest of the decision. I wish I could be confident that the Minnesotata courts will see through this.

Note that I support allowing Minnesota to proceed. I'm worried only that a precedent will be established in Minnesota, as a result of how FairVote is playing this, that could prevent further reform there. IRV is no reform at all, apparently, when applied to nonpartisan elections where runoff voting was being used. It's a step backwards. (Literally: in some places in the U.S. that used IRV for a time, it was replaced with top two runoff. Do we ever think of looking at history so we don't make the same mistake more than once? I'm not sure it was a mistake, but at least we should look! Runoff voting was long considered a major reform. IRV, in actual practice in nonpartisan elections, regresses to give Plurality results, that's what real elections are showing. I estimate something like one election out of ten, Top Two Runoff would give a different result, and it is almost certainly a better one. The cost is roughly three runoffs to get one "comeback election." The other two confirm the plurality result from the first round.

Again, Greg, did you know this?

However, there are better ways of doing PR. One of them was a tweak on Single Transferable Vote invented by Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) and published in a pamphlet in about 1883. Warren Smith, of the Center for Range Voting, reinvented it early in this century and called it Asset Voting, a metaphor that was also used by Carroll. The big problem with STV is exhausted ballots, and the problem is intrinsic. The Australians mostly deal with it by requiring full ranking, which will never fly in the U.S. and it is actually quite an undemocratic idea, coercive. You *will* vote for all candidates except for one, thus legitimizing the election by an absolute majority -- sounds good, eh? -- even if you detest the candidate and would much rather see the whole election thrown out. When a real majority is required without coercion, that's exactly what happens if a majority of voters don't cast a vote for the winner. Preferential Voting systems don't change that, they merely make it possible for voters to cast alternative votes.

Single Transferable Vote is a pretty good method for PR, but it gets much better with the Asset tweak, which, it turns out, if I'm correct, opens a whole new door into democratic possibilities. But at the start, it is this simple: if a ballot is exhausted, the vote it represents comes, as Carroll put it, "as it were, the property of the first preference candidate on it," who may then reassign this vote at will. It turns the resolution of the election into a deliberative process, and deliberative processes are far more democratic than pure aggregation, relying on aggregation alone is a method for keeping the masses disempowered.

Immediate effect: no wasted votes. You can vote with absolute sincerity for the candidate you most trust. It doesn't matter if that candidate will win or not. You don't have to rank more than one, unless you want to. (If you rank, then your vote is transferred unless and until exhausted, as you have directed.)

Used for PR, it can result in a totally and fully and accurately representative peer assembly, where every voter (almost, with some tweaks it can be just about every) represented by someone they *chose* or someone chosen by someone they chose. The only way to do it better -- and it's not much better, if it is better at all -- is with delegable proxy and thus variable voting strength in the Assembly (that was also an idea which came up in the U.S. early in the last century).

There are other methods, such as Reweighted Range Voting or Proportional Approval Voting, but Asset is such a spectacular idea, yet so simple, that we should be looking at it.

You could get very good PR, using Asset Voting, with a standard Plurality, vote-for-one ballot. Carroll invented Asset because he realized that most voters couldn't rank a whole list of candidates based on knowledge: in Australia, they use Robson Rotation to even out the effect of the very common "donkey voting," where voters just mark down a list of candidates in the sequence listed, to satisfy the requirements of law -- otherwise their vote is voided as "informal."

Where they use optional preferential voting in Australia -- i.e., more like what we do here, except that full ranking is allowed but not required any more, they change the election rules to no longer require election by an absolute majority, but by a "majority of continuing ballots containing a vote for a candidate not yet eliminated," or some such language. And they see *lots* of exhausted ballots. Voters do not want to rank everyone, nor should they be required to. Carroll realized that most voters had little trouble identifying their favorite. So why not let them vote that way, and use the favorite as a proxy for the voter?

(The same idea was proposed by Mike Ossipoff in the 1990s, under the name Candidate Proxy. As to myself, when I first heard about Single Transferable Vote, I asked myself, who controls the transfers, and I thought, must be the named candidate! In other words this isn't a really obscure, difficult concept, it's rather easily thought of. So why hasn't it been tried? I'll tell you. It's the same reason Bucklin Voting was outlawed in the U.S. The same reason that STV-PR was eliminated in New York. The same reason why the IEEE dropped Approval Voting. It's not that it wasn't working! There are powerful forces that do not want democracy. There are even election reformers that do not trust democratic process, that's why you'll never see FairVote open to democratic process and a change of direction and strategy. Democratic process is messy, allegedly inefficient, and might decide to abandon my fabulous ideas. Why should I build a successful organization and let the mere will of the people change it? It's a common phenomenon with political activists....)

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