> similar issues with several important Org components (ol-* and ob-*). In
> particular, ob-*.el packages affect Org simply by defining function
> symbols with specific name patters (by ob-core.el design).
> Achieving no side effects is difficult in practice.

That's true.  It can be a balancing act.

> Also, note that side effects are not uncommon in Elisp packages.
> Including, built-ins, like rect.el.
> dired+ comes to mind among popular third-party packages.

Most of them are plain bugs, tho (typically fixed by introducing an
autoloaded minor-mode, so the package is activated by enabling the
minor mode rather than by `require`ing the package).

>     Like I said in another message that I sent just before receiving yours
>     my conclusion came from the fact that hitting 'C-h v' with the cursor
>     on 'org-goto-interface' provided nothing.  It was the first time this
>     ever happened to me.  I did try to explicitly enter the variable's
>     name by entering 'org-goto<TAB>', which (like 'org-go<TAB>') is not
>     enough: it is completed to 'org--goto'.

AFAICT this is a missing feature: we obey `help-enable-autoload` in
`describe-function` but we fail to do the same autoloading dance in


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