Suhail Singh <> writes:

>> You can always ignore this warning.
> I presently update (via setq) org-lint--checker after filtering out this
> checker.  Is there a better way (i.e., one that doesn't rely on an
> internal variable) for non-interactive use?  Perhaps an
> #'org-lint-remove-checker could be added to org-lint.el.  For context, I
> have code that non-interactively invokes org-lint and reports the
> warnings.  As such, ignoring by pressing "i" in the *Org Lint* buffer
> isn't an option.

There is currently no such way. Although, it would be nice to have such
a feature. Patches welcome!

>> (If you have better ideas about how to approach the problem of
>> misspelled language names, feel free to share them)
> I don't have a recommendation specific to the languages that only
> support code execution, however, for languages in general wouldn't it be
> better to consult something like the output of #'org-src-get-lang-mode
> and see if that mode is either defined or can be loaded (depending on
> whether or not we require the user to ensure whether the feature
> representing the mode is already loaded or simply that it be possible to
> be loaded)?

Thanks! It is indeed a good idea.
I added this check on bugfix.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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