I recently started using Octopress since its a great platform for
programmers to blog. Since the posts are written in HTML, it was easy
to use Org-Mode but once I got to code blocks I noticed that there was
no highlighting. I decided to modify the HTML exporter so that code
blocks were exported in the format described at
http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/codeblock/ . My new exporter is
located on github at https://github.com/craftkiller/orgmode-octopress
and I welcome anyone to help improve it (for example, right now the
body-only tag seems to fail since a table of contents gets exported).
The important changes are all at the bottom of the file. Basically I
just grab the text before the html preprocessor gets to it and go
through line-by-line to find the code blocks.

I wrote some information of setting this up so you can blog with
org-mode at 

Thank you guys for all that you do! Org-mode has made my life
significantly easier. Heres hoping this makes some blogger's life

Tom Alexander
HS - Secretary
Alpha Sigma Phi; Beta Psi Chapter
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Class of 2013

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