Aurélien Aptel <aurelien.aptel <at>> writes:

> I've never heard of octopress, interesting. The only thing I don't
> like is how comments are handled. Since it's all static you relying on
> an external service like Disqus. I'm not so fond of losing control
> over user contribution like that. Besides, the actual service (disqus)
> is pretty terrible anyway. I'm always pissed when the comment I sent
> gets processed in weird ways yet doesn't do verbatim/code blocks.
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Tom Alexander <tomalexander <at>> 
> > The important changes are all at the bottom of the file. Basically I
> > just grab the text before the html preprocessor gets to it and go
> > through line-by-line to find the code blocks.
> Have you tried Nicolas Goaziou new parser? org-element.el is a big
> improvement for org-mode IMHO.

Yeah, the whole Disqus comments thing can be a pain, but since the pages are 
static its a lot easier on your web server and possibly faster since you don't 
have a server side language rendering the page. Also, having the posts written 
mostly in plain HTML (with some special markup for the header and code blocks) 
its easy for anyone who has written HTML to pick it up, and even easier to use 
other tools like org-mode to post to it.

In terms of org-element, I did look at it when I was writing this, and it looks 
significantly better, but I was getting errors loading org-mode from the 
repository at the time. After writing this I learned that apparently master is 
the development branch for this project, not the stable branch. I might 
this for the new exporter later since I'm sure the old exporter is on its way 

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