PS: By coincidence I just posted an article about Org Mode in my Octopress blog :-D

It is the second of at least three postings on my time management system.

The Org Mode posting is at

The posting that outlines the entire time management system is

If you want a sneak peek at some of the next posting, you can look at the files in

They include:
- Android screen shots of the Time Recording Pro app: The "customer" and "job" fields are extracted from an Org agenda by some elisp I wrote, exported into TRP format, and then imported into TRP.

- Gcal screen shots showing detailed recording of my activities. This is a builtin feature of TRP

- Org files that are produced by Memacs. They show data that has been harvested from Gcal and imported back into Org.

I have more discussion about the project at

IMO, the coolest part is that I get all this functionality for the small price of 300 lines of elisp plus some scripting to wire things together.

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