hi all

so after struggling for weeks to figure out why i always get an error when
exporting i finally nailed the issue: org-emphasis-alist. i have alot of
them (see below) and use them in orgmode quite often. is this a bug or if
you want to use the exporter you should avoid using org-emphasis-alist?

thx alot


 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(ac-dictionary-directories (quote
 '(bmkp-last-as-first-bookmark-file "/home/zeltak/.emacs.d/bookmarks")
 '(company-backends (quote (company-elisp company-nxml company-css
company-semantic company-clang company-eclim company-xcode company-ropemacs
(company-gtags company-etags company-dabbrev-code company-keywords
company-ispell) company-oddmuse company-files company-dabbrev)))
 '(custom-safe-themes (quote
 '(org-emphasis-alist (quote (("?" (:weight ultra-bold :background
"#FFBF1E")) ("₆" (:foreground "#000000" :underline t :background "#FF9AEA"
:weight ultra-bold)) ("₅" (:weight ultra-bold :foreground "#1E00DE")) ("`"
(:foreground "#000000" :weight ultra-bold :background "#FBFF00")) ("₄"
(:weight ultra-bold :foreground "#FF9800")) ("♪" (:box t)) ("♩" default)
("«" (:foreground "#393D90")) ("^" (:foreground "#393D90" :weight
ultra-bold)) ("¶" (:underline t :height 1.3 :weight ultra-bold)) ("¡"
(:foreground "#FFA500" :weight ultra-bold)) ("'" (:background "#35FF00"
:weight ultra-bold)) ("-" (:foreground "#ffffff" :slant italic :height 1.3
:weight ultra-bold :background "#3f8c5c")) ("+" (:background "#59BD7F"
:foreground "#ffffff" :slant italic :height 1.2 :weight bold)) ("!"
(:weight ultra-bold :foreground "#B40000")) ("%" (:weight ultra-bold
:background "#DDFFDD" :foreground "#000000")) ("$" (nil nil :background
"#DDDDFF" :foreground "#000000" :weight ultra-bold)) ("₁" (:weight
ultra-bold :box t :background "#F6F9FF" :foreground "#000000" :height 1.6))
("₂" (:background "#F6F9FF" :box t :height 1.2 :weight ultra-bold)) ("₃"
(:weight ultra-bold :background "#F6F9FF" :height 1.1 :underline t)) ("@"
(:foreground "#B40000" :background "#FFDDDD" :weight bold)) (":" (:weight
bold :height\  2 :Foreground "#FFFFFF")) ("*" bold) ("/" italic) ("_"
underline) ("=" org-code verbatim) ("~" org-verbatim verbatim)))))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

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