Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thank you again
> that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org. in org
> i use the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩, IE
> ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩
> is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive
> that with font-lock?
> i really appreciate your help!
> z

Yup, it's pretty much the exact same thing, just with a different

 '(("\\(♩[^♩]+♩\\)" (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background "#FFBF1E") t))))

You can use "♩\\([^♩]+\\)♩" instead, if you only want the text between
the symbols to be highlighted.

It might be a good idea to somehow limit the number of newlines that
the regexp can match, I'm not sure.


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