Thank you so much Eric

that works well apart from as you said it sometime "spills" over to other
uneeded lines. any idea of how to limit the number of newlines that
the regexp can match?

really appreciate the help


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Eric Abrahamsen <>wrote:

> Xebar Saram <> writes:
> > Thank you again
> >
> > that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org. in org
> > i use the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩, IE
> >
> > ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩
> > is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive
> > that with font-lock?
> >
> > i really appreciate your help!
> >
> > z
> Yup, it's pretty much the exact same thing, just with a different
> regexp.
> (font-lock-add-keywords
>  'org-mode
>  '(("\\(♩[^♩]+♩\\)" (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background "#FFBF1E") t))))
> You can use "♩\\([^♩]+\\)♩" instead, if you only want the text between
> the symbols to be highlighted.
> It might be a good idea to somehow limit the number of newlines that
> the regexp can match, I'm not sure.
> Yours,
> Eric

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