Hi again all

i have been using the before discussed font lock with great success over
the past few weeks, thx alot for that tip!

one short question i have from using it thourhgly is weather its possible
to color specific words , IE not just text bound between symbols ( ie >
!text! ) but rather lets say i always want to make the word server appear
with blue FG. is this possible? currently i tried

'(("\\(server[^server\n]+server\\)" (0 '(:foreground "#000000" :underline t
:background "#FF9AEA" :weight ultra-bold) t))))

instead of the original

'(("\\(₆[^₆\n]+₆\\)" (0 '(:foreground "#000000" :underline t :background
"#FF9AEA" :weight ultra-bold) t))))

again i apologize for my regrex ignorance :)



On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net>wrote:

> Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:
> > thx again Eric
> >
> > i still have an issue with this when one of the symbols used to start
> > /end the highlight is used in a sentence, for example using your
> > code:
> >
> > (font-lock-add-keywords
> >  'org-mode
> >  '(("-1-\\([^-1-]+\\)-1-" (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background "#
> > DDFFDD" :foreground "#000000") t))))
> >
> > if i write this:
> >
> > -1- this is a test of 1x1 to show higlight -1-
> >
> > it will kill the highlight, if i use the same text omitting the '1'
> > it works well, anyway around this issue? i thought it would have
> > matcehd -1- but it seems it matches also just 1 by itself
> >
> > best wishes and thx again
> Yup, the things inside the [^] construct, to _not_ be matched, are
> treated as a list of single characters. So you're saying "anything
> that's not a '1' or a '-'," but then you've got a '1' in the middle of
> the line. If you want the highlighting to include any character, but not
> span newlines, you could just use [^\n] instead.
> At this point you'll probably want to read the regular expression part
> of the manual:
> (elisp) Regular Expressions
> I think you mentioned you don't have a lot of programming experience.
> That's a bit unfortunate, since regexps aren't a great place to start!
> I'd recommend getting something that's "close enough", and not going
> down the rabbit hole of perfect. Then start at the top of the
> introduction to elisp...
> Good luck,
> Eric

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