Francesco Potorti` writes:
 >    > As such, I want to propose an alternate tag to indicate our
 >    > own paths:
 >    > 
 >    >    "/!/"
 >    Seconded.
 > I still do not like it at all.  It's completely different from
 > anything that is done out there.  There is a quasi-standard for
 > doing such things, which involves using /protocol:, and that's
 > reasonable, widespread and people are accustomed to it.  We do not
 > want to introduce Yet Another Nice Convention.

AFAIK, only ange-ftp/EFS and DOS use "/.*:".  What other protocols are
you referring to?

 > We should instead raise the problem on the internal Emacs
 > developers lists, and then contact to Xemacs developers (or the
 > other way around, if you care more about Xemacs), and try to find a
 > real solution.
 > Emacs should have a general hook for /[^/]+:.* filenames, where
 > [^/]+ is the protocol.  Then, different packages could register to
 > that hook and tell it which protocol they do manage.

Rather than just using a colon it would be better to adopt URI
syntax.  Filenames would start "http://" or "ftp://" or "file://".
"/" would be synonymous with the last.

But that would be a big change.  Do you really think that emacs would
make that leap?

 > We could conceivably care about a compatibility package, but the
 > main road should not be built to work around problems in how
 > ange-ftp and efs are built.

Ange-ftp/EFS has its claws sunk into emacs in many interesting and
ugly ways.  You seem to be proposing a rewrite of that package and
emacs.  By all means try but I do not hold much for your chances.

I would recommend maintaining our current approach of being an add-on
to emacs.  Major releases of both emacsen are imminent, we may have to
wait for another major release to get remote editing protocols built
Pete Forman                 -./\.- Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco                   -./\.-  by myself and does not represent
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     -./\.-  opinion of Schlumberger, Baker  -./\.-  Hughes or their divisions.

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