On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 08:52:26PM -0600, Jeff Epler wrote:
> I've finally gotten around to taking a look at the latest incarnation of
> the asiidoc project.
> To fix:
> * don't use shell find / shell ls -- this is unsafe and inefficient
>  * it's unsafe if any (future) doc file has a character treated specially 
>    by the shell
>  * use $(wildcard *.txt) instead of $(shell ls *.txt)
>  * use $(wildcard *.txt */*.txt) instead of a $(shell find) when it's known
>    that two directory levels suffice
>  * use := to avoid evaluating the wildcard more than once 
Sure. Makefile is a sort of temporary stub waiting for proper Submakefile
integration. I'll fix this today.
> * Moving the french docs src outside of docs/src is not what I thought we 
>   discussed.  Why this location?  docs/src/fr makes more sense to me.
>  * if it's so your wildcards didn't get the two mixed together, then use
>    $(filter-out)
docs/src/fr is ok to me. 

> Still left:
>  * compatible html output names
For site or you think that local docs need dir_file names too?

>  * debian/control.in / debian/configure for required packages
>  * debian/rules / debian/*.files for html doc packages (in addition to pdf)
>  * src/configure.in for compile-time required package tests
>  * hook in to existing build system
> Which parts of this do you need me to do?
Last one, hook into Submakefile. I'm a bit lost in how everything is done there.
But I've to fix things you mentioned.


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