2011. gada 5. decembris 22:01 Viesturs Lācis
<viesturs.la...@gmail.com> rakstīja:
> 2011. gada 5. decembris 21:54 Viesturs Lācis
> <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> rakstīja:
>> BTW, I cannot install buildbot package, because there is
>> non-satisfiable dependency: RTAI kernel. That is part of EMC2
>> repository, which is currently not available.
> I do not know, who is working on this, but I noticed that Wiki is back!
> Any chance to get also repository available soon?
> Viesturs

Is there anyone that can tell, what is going on?!?
I am in the client's premises several hours of driving from my home,
it is past 10 PM and I would like to get the machine working _today_!

Are there any options to satisfy EMC2 dependencies without EMC2 repository?


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