Hello gentelmen.
It's some days i'm trying to get into vismach, and i understood one
thing (any correction is welcome!):
-You can update anything linked to a pin_hal into the drawing only
using: HalTranslate & HalRotate. (is it?)

The problem is that i can't set for example the dimension of a box
(better to say i can't set this, but if the pin changes its value, the
box will not follow the changing..)
Take for example my setup. it is an inverted cable tetrapod. i wanted to
draw the wires, so i added into vismach the 'class Line', and i have new
wonderful lines in my drawing. Now i would like that one vertex of the
line follows X,Y and Z Pos-hal-pins... i can't with HalTranslate because
it moves the entire line.

I know there few people here who knows vismach, but maybe more knowing
GL drawing and python.

What i ask is: can you suggest me a way to proceed?
-Create a class HalRedraw?
-Create a class HalLine and HalBox?
-a line is composed of two vertex...maybe i could use HalTranslate with
one vertex if i change in some way the definition of the class Line?
-..or simply i misunderstood something?

p.s. by now i've got a nice sphere moving in a fixed box together with
my joystick movements, and ofcourse with the real obj in the air, but i
really would like to improve this.
Thanks, Davide.

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