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On 3/28/2012 3:40 PM, Jan de Kruyf wrote:
> On the down side: there is going to be some major hacking and
> breaking, both in the parser (obviously) and also real-time motion
> will not be the same at all after this surgery. On the up-side: al
> our wishes will come true if and when this is pulled off.

I am new here as well, and am still digging into the code.  I was
going to hold off on asking this, but since the "crazy talk" has
apparently started...  :)

I design FPGA systems for a living, and am looking at starting with a
system based on the FPGA boards from Mesa.  Review of their HDL code
and the HAL manual, however looks shows the low-level stuff to be
pretty simplistic.  It looks like all the real complexity (including
most of the timing critical bits) is handled by the main system CPU
(or am I missing something?).


1) How separable are the real-time and non-real-time parts of the

2) How portable is the real-time code (ie: can it be compiled for Arm
or PowerPC)?

3a) Is there any existing support for multiple independent processors
(ie: multiple processor, but running multiple kernels vs. a single
linux kernel running on multiple cores/chips)?

3b) What about separating the real-time and non-real-time code onto
two different computers?

Ideally, I would like to craft a multi-core machine, with (several)
optimized real-time controllers instantiated in an FPGA along with the
hardware required to interface to the servo drivers, encoders, etc.

Modern FPGAs can instantiate multiple 32-bit CPUs, ideally something
fully open (like the OpenRisc core from OpenCores), but just about
anything is possible as a soft core (newer FPGAs are also available
with hard PowerPC and Arm cores).

Once I get something running, I will probably try to port the Mesa HDL
to something I'm more familiar with (Altera PCIe based card), then I
can start making some serious modifications.  For now, I'm still just
trying to wrap my head around the existing code.  :)

Who I am:
I'm new here, but I've been designing real-time electronic systems for
over 25 years, and am responsible for most of the custom hardware
that goes into the NewTek TriCaster line of video editing gear:


My experience with CNC and motor control stems mostly from BattleBots
(two lightweight rumble wins!) where I got to play with both!  :)

We're working on starting a Makerspace in my town, which I am helping
with.  Everyone (myself included) is interested in CNC, and I have a
few old Bridgeport mills that are in need of new controllers (hence my
interest in LinuxCNC).

- -- 
Charles Steinkuehler
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