> It looks like I'll get to the 'fest on Thursday, by which time I trust
> the pillars of the LinuxCNC community will have this all sorted out
> and I'll just show off my 3D printer and wave my ARMs!  :)
> - -- 
> Charles Steinkuehler

We should be so lucky.

The LinuxCNC (nee EMC) community is a very diverse bunch.

Some folks have been involved for only a few months, others
have been around since 1996.

Some are only modestly involved. Some devote most of their
waking hours to working with it, even if they never actually
run a real machine with it.

Some believe that LinuxCNC should be a religion and needs
to be actively promoted to the unwashed masses. Others feel 
that it just IS and should be left alone to exist in peace.

Some come to it as a free and excellent body of code that 
is available for their own personal use and others see it as 
part of what provides their livelihood. (Disclaimer, I hope
to be among the latter.)

Some believe that the code must be protected by strong licensing
from those who might attempt to use it without contributing
back to the community. Others believe that it should be sown
upon the earth freely for anyone to use in any fashion they
wish without the hassles of legal contracts.

Some want there to be a formal organization that manages the
future of LinuxCNC. Others are allergic to any form of control.

That LinuxCNC has continued to be developed proves that people 
do like it and find it worthy of their time and effort to improve 
it, despite the different view points on how it should evolve.

I do hope that the session in Wichita continues in the same
spirit as past versions and functions as an opportunity to
improve the code while going lightly upon the substance of
governance. The chance to have a significant number of
people face to face in Wichita to discuss and work on 
LinuxCNC is a great opportunity, but lets not forget that
the community is much larger than the fortunate ones who 
can attend in person.

Steve Stallings

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