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On 6/29/2013 9:06 PM, Chris Morley wrote:
> Well it seems we have a few options at the moment - even one I
> didn't know about.
> You could send a git patch to the mail list.

As mentioned, this tends to get lost/ignored.

> You can submit a patch to the bug tracker.

I think this works for the specific case of "I found this bug in
LinuxCNC, and here's a patch that fixes it".  I doubt this works well
for example configuration file tweaks, minor feature enhancements, and

> You could git clone linuxcnc and host it for others to download /
> look at. You clone linuxcnc through the github mirror, fork it,
> then pull request.

I'm good with this, and would have done this when I first started
working with LinuxCNC, except it seems a bit awkward to me to post a
git clone of an open-source project on a public forum without
permission.  To me it seems similar to forking the project, which is
totally legit in the open source world, but not a step to be taken
lightly.  That's why IMHO the easiest solution to this problem is just
a clear statement of something like:  "Like our code?  Want to make a
change?  Put a git clone on github, bitbucket, or the git server of
your choice, and send an e-mail to the emc-developers mailing list
about your cool new code!"

> And they all suffer the same problem. There is no mechanism in
> place to guarantee evaluation, facilitate mentoring, or announce
> intention of inclusion, of patches.

IMHO, this is not a significant problem.  The "bleeding edge" people
will rapidly sort out bits that work, and once something gains enough
interest and stability to warrant a merge into mainline, I think it is
reasonable to expect a certain willingness to assist with the process
on the (bleeding edge) developer's part.

I know I would be willing to modify or even re-write big chunks of my
PCIe user-mode code if necessary to get it folded into mainline LinuxCNC.

...but it definitely helps if things get pulled into mainline in a
timely fashion.  The longer it takes to recognize something might be
useful (for instance the alternate RTOS code), the bigger the patch
set that needs to be applied and the harder it is to do cleanly.

IMHO, there really needs to be a "Sid" branch of LinuxCNC that is
GUARANTEED to break your machine and kill the machine operator (anyone
in the field actually using this on real equipment deserves what they
get!), but is used to track the major changes and community additions
which then filter down into master (which I view as similar to "Debian
Testing") and the current release version (which I see as "Debian

Anyway, what I really want is a way for Joe Average New User to be
able to tweak a HAL component, configuration, kinematics module, or
similar, share the results with the community, and (should the code
prove good enough) get it merged with the experimental (Sid) branch of

- -- 
Charles Steinkuehler
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