Am 02.09.2013 um 05:36 schrieb Charles Steinkuehler <>:

> I'm trying to make an updated MachineKit image for the BeagleBone using
> the unified-build-candidate-2 branch as a base.
> One issue I'm running into is the pru binary image has apparently moved
> from rtlib/ to rtlib/xenomai.
> I'm not sure exactly why...I suspect it is fallout from some other build
> or makefile change.  If the assembled binary was moved on purpose, could
> someone explain the reasoning?  At the moment, the PRU code knows
> nothing whatsoever about the flavor of real-time that's used for HAL.

I'm in the process of updating the UB docs and that includes text from John 
explaining the changes in directory layout, including this one
that should be out today or tomorrow

the reason was the intent to package all binaries for a given flavor under 
rtlib/<flavorname>, and to wrap those files into a package which can be 
separately installed or upgraed

if you have binaries with pathnames which are in several packages you'd get 
conflicts when you install several flavor packages as one would overwrite the 
binary of the other; using per-flavor paths gets around the issue

> On a related issue, I am still having to provide a full hard-coded path
> to the PRU binary, so I have the following in the BeBoPr.ini file:
> DRIVER=hal_pru_generic
> CONFIG=prucode=/home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/rtlib/xenomai/pru_generic.bin
> pru=1 num_stepgens=4 num_pwmgens=3
> Is there an easy way to point to files (from within C code) inside the
> active linuxcnc run-in-place build?

yes, there is; the pertinent paths can be pulled from etc/linuxcnc/rtapi.ini
by means of calling get_rtapi_config():

see linuxcnc/src$ grep -r get_rtapi_config src 
for some usage examples

- Michael

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