On 09/02/2013 04:23 AM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> Am 02.09.2013 um 05:36 schrieb Charles Steinkuehler
> <char...@steinkuehler.net>:
>> One issue I'm running into is the pru binary image has apparently
>> moved from rtlib/ to rtlib/xenomai.
> the reason was the intent to package all binaries for a given flavor
> under rtlib/<flavorname>, and to wrap those files into a package
> which can be separately installed or upgraed

Firmware files are flavor agnostic and should live somewhere under
lib/firmware for RIP builds and under /lib/firmware for system installs.
 The latter is the standard location for such files, and the big distros
will want them there anyway.

That firmware will be included in the base BeagleBone package where it
can be used along with any flavor sub-package.

The same goes for Mesa firmwares.  Of course it doesn't make sense to
put Mesa PCI card firmwares in the BB packages (or PRU firmware in x86
pkgs) but it would make sense to put 7i80 firmware in both.  In any of
these cases, firmware should still go in the base package.

>> Is there an easy way to point to files (from within C code) inside
>> the active linuxcnc run-in-place build?
> yes, there is; the pertinent paths can be pulled from
> etc/linuxcnc/rtapi.ini by means of calling get_rtapi_config():
> https://github.com/mhaberler/linuxcnc/blob/unified-build-candidate-2/src/rtapi/rtapi_compat.c#L274
>  see linuxcnc/src$ grep -r get_rtapi_config src for some usage
> examples

Note again this path should go in the [global] section, not some
[flavor] section.  :)

Somewhat OT for this thread, do we have both Xenomai and RT_PREEMPT
kernels for the BeagleBone?  That would be pretty neat!


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