On 24 October 2013 02:38, Yishin Li <y...@araisrobo.com> wrote:

> The license stated from IgH EtherCAT Master for Linux :
> All the source code available through IgH is licensed under the GPLv2
> license.
> http://www.etherlab.org/en/ethercat/index.php

The Etherlab EtherCAT Master does appear to be a normal GPL project.

I think that the difficulty is that the _use_ of the EtherCAT standard
is governed by an additional license:

This might actually mean that we are free to ship a HAL driver that
links to the (GPL) Etherlab EtherCAT master, but that any users
linking their system to actual EtherCAT hardware would become liable
to the license above.

Is this any different to the situation of linking, via EtherNET, to a
Windows PC from a Linux PC?

There is an (old) thread on the subject here:

IANAL. And the whole licensing thing irritates me.

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