On Mar 3 2014 3:32 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> Am 03.03.2014 um 23:12 schrieb EBo <e...@sandien.com>:
>> On Mar 3 2014 1:12 PM, John Kasunich wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014, at 02:29 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
>>>> The required operations are:
>>>> record_write_begin() - allocate space for a message in the rb but 
>>>> do
>>>> not commit the write yet
>>>> record_write_end() - commit the write operation
>>>> record_next_size()  - check data available and operate on same
>>>> record_shift()   - consume the record.
>>> I didn't spend a lot of time studying that code.  But a few things
>>> made me cringe.
>>>> From the code:
>>> /* record_write_begin():
>>> * begin a zero-copy write operation for at least sz bytes. This
>>> povides a buffer
>>> * to write to within free ringbuffer space.
>>> * return 0 if there is sufficient space for the requested size
>>> * return EAGAIN if there is currently insufficient space
>>> * return ERANGE if the write size exceeds the ringbuffer size.
>>> So, tell me what update_freq() should do if the function returns
>>> anything other than zero?  It seems to me that you MUST be
>>> absolutely sure that it will always return zero.  And if you are
>>> sure (because you allocated the appropriate size buffer, etc,),
>>> then the tests are simply wasting time - after all, you made
>>> sure they would never fail.
>>> I have no doubt that Pavel's ringbuffer code is well thought
>>> out and serves the general purpose atomic transfer problem
>>> well.  But it is overkill (and bloated) if the system has been
>>> properly designed to ensure that you never have allocation
>>> problems.  If you do have allocation problems, then you are
>>> screwed in a real-time control application.
>> Euuu... is there any log or indication that a non zero even 
>> occurred?
>> EAGAIN is a drop dead error.
> sorry, that is nonsense - it is a nonblocking operation just as
> read() with a nonblocking file descriptor
> if you understand on how thread functions work, you fill find
> blocking reads make threads drop dead, so here's your drop dead error

Sorry I was not a bit more careful in my post.  I understand the 
difference between blocking and non-blocking calls, and what you need to 
do if a call can only be partially fulfilled because you ran out of 
buffer -- the ones I have had to deal with typically resend the 
remaining part of the message to complete.

>>  That implies, if I understand the
>> conversation correctly, that you ran out of memory on the machine.
> no, you did not, read all of the code - ringbuffers are
> allocation-time fixed size, and the operations do return error codes
> as required and makes sense in the errno taxonomy
> moreover this aspect is completely irrelevant to the discussion topic
> at hand, which is about using scheduling behaviour used to assert
> certain properties of parallel programs
> can we focus on the actual problem please, which is _really_
> fundamental - which is why I object to thread hijacking

It was not intended as a hijack, but following on John's comment.  I 
apologies that we took the conversation down a road you do not 

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