
Am 06.03.2014 um 04:43 schrieb John Kasunich <>:

> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014, at 02:29 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
>> I have read up on the data flow in stepgen.c and I found the following for 
>> normal (i.e. not disabled, and setup disregarded):
>> make_pulses reads:
>>      stepgen->accum 
>>      stepgen->target_addval
>>      stepgen->deltalim
>> make_pulses writes:
>>      stepgen->accum
>> update_freq reads:
>>      stepgen->accum 
>> update_freq writes:
>>      stepgen->target_addval
>>      stepgen->deltalim
>> Now stepgen->accum can be taken out of the picture for considering 
>> transactions since that is the single scalar value read back by update_freq 
>> (it could be replaced by an atomic 64bit fetch which is supported on all 
>> architectures, but that is a side issue).
>> The interesting case are the two values which update_freq writes. I assume 
>> you are referring to those?
>> I can see how scheduling comes in here the way this is coded, but I think 
>> this is basically a complicated way to achieve an atomic message transmit 
>> from update_freq to make_pulses.
> Actually, I don't think there is any need to worry about atomic updates of 
> target_addval and deltalim.
> The relevant code is this (from make_pulses, in the faster thread):
>           /* update addval (ramping) */
>           old_addval = stepgen->addval;
>           target_addval = stepgen->target_addval;
>           if (stepgen->deltalim != 0) {
>               /* implement accel/decel limit */
>               if (target_addval > (old_addval + stepgen->deltalim)) {
>                   /* new value is too high, increase addval as far as 
> possible */
>                   new_addval = old_addval + stepgen->deltalim;
>               } else if (target_addval < (old_addval - stepgen->deltalim)) {
>                   /* new value is too low, decrease addval as far as possible 
> */
>                   new_addval = old_addval - stepgen->deltalim;
>               } else {
>                   /* new value can be reached in one step - do it */
>                   new_addval = target_addval;
>               }
>           } else {
>               /* go to new freq without any ramping */
>               new_addval = target_addval;
>           }
>           /* save result */
>           stepgen->addval = new_addval;
> "addval" is the value that is added to the accumulator every base period.  In 
> other
> words, it is the instantaneous velocity.
> "deltalim" is the maximum allowed change in addval per base period.  It is 
> based
> on the maximum allowable acceleration parameter.
> In normal LCNC configurations, the acceleration is set at startup and never 
> changes.  But the stepgen was designed to be more versatile than that, and
> it needs to work correctly even if the acceleration limit is changed on the 
> fly.
> But there is no need for an acceleration change to be atomic with the velocity
> command.
> There is a bit of sloppiness in this code.  Deltalim isn't treated with
> the same care as addval.  You'll notice that stepgen->addval and
> stepgen->target_addval are copied from the structure to local
> variables at the beginning of this code snipped, and then the new
> value of addval is copied back to the structure at the end.
> stepgen->target_addval is modified by the slow thread, and if
> we allow multi-core, it is subject to being changed at any time.
> If it changes before it is copied to the local target_adval, the
> change will take effect this time, if not, it will take effect the
> next time.  The value is read only once.
> Now look at stepgen->deltalim.  It is also written by the slow
> thread, and if we allow multi-core, it can change at any time.
> The code snippet above has five references to stepgen->deltalim.
> It would be possible for the value to change after the first
> conditional "if (stepgen->deltalim != 0) {", but before the second
> one "if (target_addval > (old_addval + stepgen->deltalim)) ", or
> after the second conditional but before the line that uses the
> value: "new_addval = old_addval + stepgen->deltalim;"
> When that code was written, the assumption was rate monotonic
> and single core.  SMP was around at that time, but RTAPI limited
> all realtime threads to a single core.  Under those assumptions,
> the code is fine.  The low speed thread can't sneak in and
> change the value at an unexpected time.
> But under the new assumption that threads can be running on
> different cores, the slow thread might be running (and changing
> stepgen->deltalim) at the same time as the fast thread is running.
> The answer is to treat deltalim like addval.  Read stegen->deltalim
> a single time, at the start of the code, and copy it to a local 
> variable.  Then the five references to deltalim can use the local.
> Any change made to stepgen->deltalim by the slow thread will
> either be before the single read, and take effect this time, or
> after the read, and take effect next time.  There is no risk of
> using one value during a comparison and another value during
> the subsequent assignment, because the slow thread cannot
> change the local variable.
> I wrote this code, and to be honest I don't know why I treated
> addval with more care than deltalim.  Under the assumptions
> of that time, both were safe from modification by the slow
> thread, and neither one needed to be copied to a local.  Under
> the new assumptions, both are vulnerable, and both need to
> be copied to locals.
> Because velocity and acceleration limits are independent
> attributes, there is no need to worry about synchronization 
> of the two values to each other.

thanks for going through this. I think we have reached clarification of a 
not-so-well understood corner of HAL which was unclear to some (well at least 

Can I summarize what I read from the above as follows:

- there are two pieces of state (addval and deltalim) passed from servo to base 
in stepgen.c
- for correctness of stepgen operation it is not essential these values origin 
from the same invocation of update-freq, meaning make-pulses is not a critical 
region with respect to access of these values
- as a consequence, the threads executing update-freq and make-pulses are not 
subject to any priority and non-preemption preconditions

does this reflect our common understanding?

- Michael

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