On Donnerstag, 26. März 2020, 16:12:32 CET Chris Morley wrote:
> It's in limbo right now.
What is limbo?

> I'm doing some work on machine state F code updating right now, there is a
> testing branch.

Hm, didn't find your branch. You did not prefix your branch with your name/
alias, did you?

I tried to watch videos from machinekit - but hell - it remembered me, why I 
hate youtube :(
I spent about half an hour and there was absolutely no information. He talked 
about what he will not talk about, about video environment, ...
Boah, not my world!
The video is typical for projects like machinekit - they start very hopeful 
and die before becoming useful. Such a pain.
Luckily the handouts had been linked in the description, so I could find some 
informations ...

So I tried to come back to code and played with different loglevels. When I 
enabled logs for taskmanager only, I got the output that motion-logger is 
supposed to offer.
But - it may be useful as basis for gremlin. It contains all motion-commands 
at one shot and is not related to the real motions. Puh, that will be terrible 
on large 3D surface jobs.

I tried that output with axis and when I start executing gcode, all motions 
have been logged before the first motion starts.
Hitting Pause is commented with just "EMC_TASK_PLAN_PAUSE" and resume with 
the corresponding NML-message name.
But real motion will not be logged at all and there is no feedback of the real 
At least - I did not find some.

So I guess, I have to strip down the taskmanager to get into it.
Grunt work is coming =:O

cheers Reinhard

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