Whilst I agree with you Chris, people just want updates, without really
knowing why. This could be the case when users migrate from Windows &
Mach, but then gain how often does Mach get upgraded ?

Personally if I had an old machine that was pumping out parts with no
issues with Wheezy & 2.7 I be happy just to let it do it's thing.

If someone started selling a "Black Box" cnc controller with Linuxcnc
and the average user was unaware what was inside how often would they be
wanting updates, not often or maybe wouldn't even think about. Even more
so if the install was a Just Enough OS to run Linuxcnc, similar to what
libreelec do with Kodi.

I used to work for a company that installed "Zero Gravity Treadmills"
all the control was done by a PC running Win2k and later it was migrated
to Linux. None of the customers cared about updates just as long the
machine ran. These were installed in gyms, physios and some of the
larger sporting teams, Rugby League, Aussie Rules & Rugby Union. Even
the Australian Institute of Sport had a couple. If the user doesn't know
what's under the hood they don't really care. I just treat my Linuxcnc
machine as "black box" as long as it runs, it's good.

I found this with the Mint ISOs, I'd do a release with Linuxcnc built
from the latest 2.8 sources and people were wanting to know how to update.

I started to think that not many people were actually using the images
to run a machine, as there was very very little feed back on that, they
just wanted to install and be able to update.

One user admitted to not knowing what Mint was but went and installed it
on his machine anyways, then was wanting updated packages for Linuxcnc.

As for updating the OS...... there's enough users have trouble
installing Linuxcnc after being given basic instructions.

Ideally a virtual package could be of use, user installs Debian or a
Ubuntu variant, adds the repo to the apt sources, then does "sudo
apt-get install awesome-machine-controller" and it installs a kernel and
the matching linuxcnc version and the deps for qtvcp. Have one each for

On 20/4/20 4:47 am, Chris Morley wrote:
Why does end of life matter to a machine controller?
Once you have a kernel/motherboard/distro combination that woks,
I wouldn't want to upgrade the distro unless I had to, because it probably will 
become painful.
If it is easy enough to keep support of an old distro then why not?
One optional driver not compiling does not seem a good reason to drop support.
Eventually we will need to but that is not a good enough reason IMHO.


From: René Hopf via Emc-developers <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: April 19, 2020 4:58 PM
To: emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Cc: René Hopf <reneh...@googlemail.com>
Subject: [Emc-developers] old distros


I added the EOL date of the official distros to the wiki:
Notice that only stretch and buster are not near end of life.

Recently there have been 2 PRs with code that doesn’t work on old compilers.

I don’t understand why we support distros that have been released 8 years
Making newer stuff work on legacy software is just a waste of developers
If people can’t be bothered to update the distro, why would they be
bothered to update linuxcnc?
As far as Im aware everything works on stretch.

After a short discussion with jepler on irc, he mentioned that it hasn’t
been decided to drop support, and its unclear on how to decide stuff like

My proposal:
Keep 2.8 as it is, as it's near the release.

Drop support for anything earlier than Stretch in master, and as soon as
python3 support is working, drop support for python2 in master.
Python2 is EOL since January, and it's not feasible to support both.


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