On 07/12/2020 03:59 PM, Rod Webster wrote:
Personally, I think the power of Google Translate makes this redundant.
If I open a non-english HTML page Google Translate just translates it for
I asked a French speaking person to review a 20 page technical document of
mine which I had translated in Google Drive from English to French using
Google Translate. He said there was nothing for him to do as it was perfect!

WOW, I'm impressed, but still skeptical. Yes, computer translation has come a LONG way recently, but I'd still worry that something got horribly muddled. It may also depend a lot on the clarity of the original document. Maybe we should do a test and have Google translate our docs and then have it reviewed by a person who is both a native speaker of that language and fluent in CNC. They might catch a few howlers but still save a lot of effort.


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