I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute <ri...@sdd.hp.com> wrote (in
<200201031919.laa11...@epgc264.sdd.hp.com>) about 'EMC-related safety
issues', on Thu, 3 Jan 2002:
>I've replaced the incandescent lamp on my bedside 
>table with a new energy-saving compact flourescent 
>lamp.  With the lamp on, I cannot listen to even 
>the strongest AM radio station on my clock radio 
>(on the same bedside table) due to the lamp 
>interference.  This must not be the usage 
>contemplated by EMC requirements.

Limits in the household environment are based on a 3 m separation
between source and receiver.
>My TV and stereo are more-or-less integrated 
>(they are in close proximity).  On New Year's Day, 
>I wanted to listen to the radio version of the 
>football game description while watching the TV.  
>With the TV on, I cannot listen to even the 
>strongest AM radio station due to the TV 
>interference.  This must not be the usage 
>contemplated by EMC requirements.

See above.
>I take my Grundig portable radio with me when I
>travel.  Most hotels have sufficient interference
>sources that I cannot listen to AM radio, and
>sometimes not even FM radio (with lights and TV
>off!).  This must not be the usage contemplated 
>by EMC requirements.

I do not find that. In most US hotels I've stayed in, the bedroom radios
are cheapo-squared but still receive 99 stations - all putting out
rubbish, so any interference is beside the point.

But at least the bedroom radios have an antenna system. It is not
surprising that you cannot get good reception on built-in antennas in
steel-framed buildings.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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